Monday, May 14, 2018


Somehow, "foreword" feels like it fits better for an inaugural post than "welcome". You can be welcoming, but the word "welcome" makes me think of restaurants or theatres and puts me in mind of a fleeting experience. The only things that typically have forewords, on the other hand, are books, and books are far more permanent, so perhaps this is me subconsciously trying to make sure I don't write this for a couple of weeks and flake out on it like I have so many other projects. Who can say?

Regardless, now I've made myself look like the kind of pretentious wanker who waxes lyrical on the ephemeral nature of welcomes on the Internet, hello and welcome to the blog, such as it is. Unless I undergo a dramatic change in personality, this won't become my life's work: I'm just a guy who happens to like quizzes. Specifically, I'm a guy who happens to like quizzes enough that he's going to be on one of them in the next few months.

While the dates aren't yet fixed, Series 14 of Only Connect will be airing some time later this year - guess who's got two thumbs and is going to be captaining a team? THIS GUY (and also fifteen other people, but that doesn't really help my case). As a devotee of live-action roleplay, I'm taking two of my friends and fellow players into the intellectual trenches as the LARPers, where you will be able to watch us flail at connections that may or may not exist and struggle not to shame our ancestors.

I do wonder how the hell I'm going to watch any episodes I end up in to record the questions, scorelines and suchlike without cringing so hard I astrally project, but that is a problem for Future Ronny to deal with. And by "deal with", I of course "drink himself into a stupor over". Stay tuned to see how well that endeavour goes.

Quiz hard!
- R